National Hispanic Heritage Month Resources

The National Genealogical Society (NGS) is pleased to join the celebration of National Hispanic Heritage Month (15 September–15 October). As noted on the Library of Congress’s National Hispanic Heritage Month website, this month honors the "histories, cultures and contributions of American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America."

Each year, the National Council of Hispanic Employment Program Managers hosts a competition for a theme and illustration to support National Hispanic Heritage Month. Ms. Irene Matos Chan created the winning poster (pictured above) that reflects the 2022 theme, "Unidos: Inclusivity for a Stronger Nation."

We hope the resources listed below will help everyone with Hispanic/Latino roots build their family tree.

Many thanks to FamilySearch, RootsTech, and Ancestry® for making the following items available for free online:

For more on exploring Hispanic/Latino genealogy and family history, check out the online resources offered by Colleen Robledo Greene, MLIS, speaker and NGS member. NGS' Research in the States books on Arizona, California, New Mexico, and others also reference research resources such as:


Tips for Filipino Genealogy — An Interview with Todd Lucero Sales


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