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Genealogy Center’s November Programs (Allen County Public Library)
November 2, 2023, 6:30 p.m. ET “Beginner's Guide to 23andme DNA Testing” with Sara Allen -
November 7, 2023, 2:30 p.m. ET “British Research Methodology: How, What & Where to Search” with Sylvia Tracy-Doolos -
November 8, 2023, 7 p.m. ET “Grandpa’s Military File, What and Where Is It?” with Patricia Stamm, an ACGSI Program -
November 9, 2023, 6:30 p.m. ET “Beginner Colonial-era Research through the Life of Anne Marbury Hutchinson” with Kim Richardson -
November 14, 2023, 2:30 p.m. ET “Mayflower Genealogy: Tracing Ancestors in Colonial Plymouth Colony” with John D. Beatty -
November 16, 2023, 6:30 p.m. ET “South Africa: Getting Started” with Sue McNelly -
November 18, 2023. 2 p.m. ET “Research Tools & Tips - How to Hit the Genealogy Jackpot” with Dr. Al Brothers, An African American Genealogical Society of Fort Wayne program -
November 21, 2023, 2:30 p.m. ET “Voting Records: Genealogy’s Best Kept Secret” with Pam Vestal -
November 28, 2023, 2:30 p.m. ET “Finding Your Hungarian Roots” with Dana Palmer -
November 30, 2023, 6:30 p.m. ET “Farming, Factories, and the Frontier: Midwest Genealogy Basics” with Eleanor Brinsko -
Please register in advance for these engaging programs.
Diahan Southard and the Your DNA Guide Webinars
Our free webinars have been so popular, we have decided to offer a 4-part series, and make it even easier to attend.
Now you can sign up (just one time) for access to four of my most popular webinars:
June 22: "DNA Ethnicity Estimates: How to Actually Use Them!"
July 27: "Organize Your DNA Matches Simply and Efficiently"
August 24: "Double-Dip your DNA: YDNA + Autosomal DNA - A Case Study"
Sign up for the webinars here:
Test. Analyze. Repeat: Long-Term DNA Strategies for Success
Brought to you by Diahan Southard
The webinar will be recorded and provided for 7 days. However, those who attend live on Wednesday, January 25 at 2:00 PM EST (11:00 AM PST / 7:00 PM GMT) will get a special bonus! See all the details and sign up here.
DNA in Practice: Leveraging DNA Results in Your Family History Research
Brought to you by: American Ancestors
January 4, 11, 18, 25, 2023
Live Broadcasts Wednesdays at 6-7:30 p.m. ET
Christopher C. Child
Pam Guye Holland
Melanie McComb
Members Save 10%
Register Now
DNA testing has been a transformative tool for genealogists—allowing you to confirm hypotheses, meet distant cousins, and solve some family mysteries. Depending on your goal, however, it can be difficult to determine which test or tests to utilize, how to interpret your results, understand how the results relate to your paper research, and how to keep your matches and research organized. Using several real-world case studies, this online course will demonstrate how to leverage autosomal, mitochondrial, and Y-DNA results effectively using a variety of tools and organizational methods.
GEDmatch: Features Every Genealogist Needs to Understand & Use
Brought to you by American Ancestors
Live Broadcast: Thursday, November 17, 1:00–2:00 p.m. (ET)
Presented by: Tim Janzen, M.D.
Cost: FREE
In recent years, GEDmatch has developed increasingly powerful tools for genetic genealogists. With genetic profiles of about 1.8 million people in the database, GEDmatch’s database size and the analytical tools offered allow you to further your genealogical research and to help break through genealogical brick walls. These tools are flexible and allow for more accurate genetic analysis of the matching segment data than what other companies provide.
This presentation will highlight the most important features of GEDmatch that every genealogist needs to understand and to use such as the one-to-one, one-to-many, phasing, admixture, triangulation, matching segment search, Lazarus, AutoSegment, AutoKinship, AutoTree, multiple kit analysis, and other features.
An NGSQ Case Study: DNA Corroborates Oral Tradition
Hosted by the Florida Genealogical Society - Tampa
Speaker: LaBrenda Garrett-Nelson, JD, LLM, CG®, CGL(SM), FASG
Program Description
This lecture is based on a case study that was the lead article in the June 2020 edition of the National Genealogical Society Quarterly. The speaker will provide information needed to make sound decisions on when DNA tests can or should be used in genealogical research, and how to meet the DNA-specific genealogy standards for accuracy and completeness. The lecture will include an overview of available direct-to-consumer tests, a discussion of the elements of a targeted testing plan, and information about analyzing DNA test results.
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